Research Team
Daniel Vázquez
Postdoc 2018-2021

My research interests lie principally in ancient Greek philosophy. I am currently working on causation, cosmology, and argumentation in Plato and the Stoics. I received my PhD in philosophy from King's College London (2015), my Mphil from UNAM (2010) and my BA from Universidad Panamericana (2006). I also hold a PGCAP in Higher Education from King's College London and I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy of the UK. Before joining PROTEUS, I held a research fellowship at the University of Sao Paulo (2016-2018), was a visiting researcher at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Oxford and a College tutor at Oriel College (2015-2016), and worked as a lecturer in ancient philosophy also at the University of Oxford (2014-2015). I am also the co-founder of the Centre for Human Rights Studies, an independent and non-for-profit think-tank based in Mexico City working on combating all forms of violence, oppression, and discrimination, advancing social justice and strengthening the respect for human rights, equity and diversity.
Selected Publications
- “Teleology and Sophistic Endeavour in the Euthydemus” coauthored with Saloni de Souza (forthcoming in Australasian Philosophical Review, 2: 3)
- “Review of Cosmology and Politics in Plato's Later Works by Dominic O'Meara” (forthcoming in Plato Journal)
- “Argumentation and reflection in Plato’s Gigantomachia Sophist 245e6-249d5” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie (2018) 100: 241-285
- “Escepticismo radical y el alcance de los cinco tropos para la suspensión del juicio” (invited chapter, in press)
- “Reflections on Tutoring Ancient Greek Philosophy: A Case Study of Teaching First-Year Undergraduates in the UK” Studying Teacher Education, (2014) 10/2: 117-129
- “Autoengaño, ambición y arrogancia en el Alcibiades de Platón” (chapter in Afectividad y confianza en el conocimiento personal, ed. by J. M. Roqueñi, México: Panorama 2016)
- “Reason in Check: the Skepticism of Sextus Empiricus.” Hermathena (2009) 186: 43–57
- “Metáfora y analogía en Aristóteles.” Tópicos, (2010) 38: 85–116
- “La relación entre necesidad lógica y necesidad de re.” Euphyía, (2011) V/8: 105-115
- “Scepticism, Action and Language.” Review of L. Corti, Scepticisme et langage (Paris: J. Vrin, 2009) for The Classical Review, (2011) 61.02: 432–433
- “Stoic cosmology” (encyclopaedia entry for Ancient Thought, 2015).
- ‘Réplica a “Sobre la ontología de los incorpóreos” de Andrea Lozano.’ In Actas II Coloquio Doctorandos, Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Filosofía, Mexico: UNAM 2008.
- “Review of R. Salles (ed.), God and Cosmos in Stoicism (Oxford: OUP 2009)” for Dianoia LVI.66: 200-210
- “Review of R. Salles, Los estoicos y el problema de la libertad (Mexico: UNAM 2006)” Tópicos (2007) 32: 229-235
- “Review of V. Aspe, Perennidad y apertura en Aristóteles (México: Cruz 2005)” Tópicos (2006) 30: 241-246